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Schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101

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SS-s.Pz.Abt. 101



p 203-213

The SS main office issued orders for the establishment of a heavy tank battalion on 24 December 1942 (order: Org.Tgb.Nr. 8990/42 geh.). The two heavy tank companies ofSSPanzer-Grenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" and SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Das Reich" were to be consolidated with the battalion to form two of its tank companies. The battalion was to be established at the Bergen-Fallingbostel Training Area.
Beside these two companies (KSt u. KAN 1176d dated 15 August 1942), the following units were to be formed:

· 1 heavy tank battalion headquarters (KSt u. KAN 1107 dated 1 November 1941)

· 1 heavy tank battalion headquarters company (KSt u. KAN 1150d dated 15 August


· 1 heavy tank battalion maintenance company (KSt u. KAN 1187b dated 25 April 1942)

The replacement battalion was to be SS-Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 in Weimar-Buchenwald.
The commander was designated as SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer Laackmann.


24 March 1943: The SS-Panzer-Korps receives orders from the SS Main Office to dispatch twenty tank crews to Paderborn (for five additional Tigers for each heavy SS-PanzerKompanie, three for the battalion headquarters and two reserve crews).

27 March 1943: SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Das Reich" and SS-Panzer-GrenadierDivision "Totenkopf' each send 6 tank crews to Paderborn. The division commander of SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" refuses to carry out this order, because he prefers to keep his Tiger company. In response, the SS Main Office directs SS-Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung 1 to provide the remaining crews.

April and May 1943: The SS-Panzer-Korps received fifteen Tiger I tanks earmarked for this battalion. The tanks were then divided among the three companies. The original plans to employ this new battalion during Operation "Citadel" did not' materialize. The three divisions retained their heavy companies. Later on, only the personnel of the Tiger company of SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" merged into this newly formed battalion, which was redesignated as schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101.
The battalion was established by order of SS Main Office on
19 July 1943 as a corps formation of the I. SS-Panzer-Korps. Two of the three companies needed to be established; the third company was formed from the 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1. The maintenance platoon of this company was merged into the battalion's Maintenance Company.

19 July 1943: Establishment of the battalion starts at the Senne Training Area (South Camp).

5 August 1943: The new battalion commander, SS-Sturmbannfiihrer von Westernhagen, is still absent on a training course and recovering from a severe injury.

23-27 August 1943: Relocation to the area of Verona (Italy).

15-25 August 1943: Twenty-seven new Tigers arrive, including two command tanks.

27 August-30 September 1943: Establishment continues in Reggio Nell Emilia.

6 October 1943: Establishment of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 starts.

12 October 1943: Attachment to SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" and training in the area of Pontecurone (southwest of Voghera) with the assistance of personnel from SS-Panzer-Regiment 1.

27 October 1943: A detail is sent to Burg (Magdeburg) to pick up ten Tigers.

28 October 1943: The 1. and 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer Kling and SS-Untersturmfiihrer Wendorff, respectively) are reassigned to the 1. SSPanzer-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler," where they are consolidated and redesignated as the 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1. SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer Kling is named the commander.

2 November 1943: Ten new Tigers that are already moving by rail to the Eastern Front are stopped in Lemberg (Lvov) and redirected to Paderborn.

5-11 November 1943: Movement of the 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 to the Eastern Front, where it is allocated to the 4. Panzer-Armee (27 Tigers).

3-8 November 1943: The remaining elements-the battalion headquarters, the battalion headquarters company (SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer Mobius), the 3./schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101 and the battalion maintenance company (minus its 1st Platoon) are transported to the Senne (North) Training Area near Augustdorf. Several Italian wheeled vehicles are now in the battalion's inventory.

9 November 1943: SS-Obersturmbannfiihrer Leiner is designated the battalion commander until SS-Sturmbannfiihrer von Westernhagen can arrive. SS-Hauptsturmführer Schweimert is given command of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101.

8 November-27 December 1943: Individual and crew-level training. SS-PanzerGrenadier-Ausbildungs-Ersatz-Bataillon 1 provides the battalion with 120 soldiers. The misdirected ten Tigers finally arrive.

27 December 1943: Start of platoon- and company-level training. Due to the lack of special-purpose vehicles, full combat readiness cannot be established.

1 January 1944: The battalion's strength reaches only eighteen officers / eighty-three noncommissioned officers / / 365 enliste~ personnel (full strength is twenty-seven officers /153 noncommissioned officers /419 enlisted personnel). Operational tanks: 9.

3 January 1944: A detail is sent to Burg to pick up another ten Tigers (of which two are command tanks).

9 January 1944: The detail arrives in Mons (Belgium). Due to a damaged railway car, one Tiger has to be left behind near the Belgium border and arrives several days later.

9-12 January 1944: Relocation to the Maisieres Training Area near Mons.
13 January 1944: Training is continued. The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 now has eighteen tanks (four platoons of four tanks each).
12 February 1944: Field-training exercise of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101, which is attended by SS-Obergruppenfiihrer Dietrich.
13 February 1944: Arrival of SS-Sturmbannfiihrer von Westernhagen.

 20 March 1944: The crews of the 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 return from the Eastern Front and join the battalion. Continuation of training and refitting. The 13./SS-PanzerRegiment is consolidated with the battalion and forms two companies: 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (SS-Hauptsturmführer Möbius) and the 2./schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101 (SS-Obersturmführer Wittmann). The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101company transfers its 4th Platoon to the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (as its 3rd Platoon) .

3-4 April 1944: Relocation into the area of Gournay-en-Bray-Beauvais in expectation of an Allied invasion in the area of the Pas de Calais.
20 April 1944: Eighteen of twenty Tigers operational. Delivery of the rest of the vehicle inventory and twenty-five Tiger I tanks.
22 April 1944: Last eleme
nts of the 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 that remained in Russia return to the battalion.
30 April 1944: Thirty-eight of
forty-five Tigers operational.

10-17 May 1944: Live-fire exercise of the entire battalion east of Amiens. Redeployment to the former assembly area and continuation of the training.

1 June 1944: Operational tanks: 37.

 7 June 1944: March on the D 316 to the road junction of St. Jean de Fronelles (via Gournay-en-Bray and Morgny. At Morgny, the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is strafed by fighter-bombers. The march continues on the N 14 to Paris, passing the Arc de Triomphe to Versailles. The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 and the Maintenance Company are hit by a air strike near Versailles.

8 June 1944: The 1. and 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 continue to road march via Verneul-l'Aigle. From there the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 proceeds via Vimoutiers to the area south of Caen. The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 moves via Argentan to Falaise. The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 returns to Paris and starts single tank movement to the west on the next day. Numerous strafing attacks by fighterbombers.
9 June 1944: During the next few days, road marches are conducted only during the night due to the Allied air threat.
10 June 1944: The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 10
1 is strafed by fighters in Argentan. A short while later it is hit from the air again at Occagnes. 1 aircraft is shot down by SS-Unterscharführer Warmbrunn with antiaircraft machine-gun fire. The 2./schwere SS Panzer-Abteilung 101 arrives in Falaise during the night.
12 June 1944: During the night, the battalion completes arrival in its designated assembly area, experiencing many mechanical problems and failures during the road march. The 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (eight Tigers) assembles eight kilometers northeast of Villers-Bocage on the N 175; the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (six Tigers) assembles in a defile south of Montbrocq (two kilometers northeast of Villers-Bocage).The b
attalion is immediately ordered to cover the left flank of the I. SS-Panzer-Korps. Because of incessant heavy naval shelling, the crews cannot rest.

13 June 1944: In the morning, the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (six Tigers; Lotzsch's Tiger has track damage) is assembled at Point 213 northeast of Villers-Bocage in a defile south of the road Villers-Bocage-Caen. A detachment of the British 22nd Armoured Brigade approaches Point 213 and stops there. The British element is moving in column along the road and not deployed for combat. This element was attempting to exploit a gap between the 352. Infanterie-Division and the Panzer-Lehr-Division.
SS-Obersturmführer Wittmann attacks the enemy - a Squadron of the 4th City of London Yeomanry and parts of the 1st Battalion of the Rifle Brigade-ahead of his company, which is not yet ready for action. He uses Tiger 222 of SS-Unterscharfiihrer Sowa. First, he knocks out a Cromwell and a Firefly of A Squadron, which had already nearly reached Point 213.  Afterwards, he advances parallel to the road towards Villers-Bocage. Passing within a short distance of the en
emy, he destroys the majority of the 1st Rifle Brigade: thirteen M-3 halftracks, three Stuart light tanks, two Sherman artillery observer tanks, the Daimler Scout Car of the brigade's Intelligence Officer, the M-3 of the brigade surgeon, and more than one dozen Bren and Lloyd carriers (some from the antitank-gun battery). At the outskirts of the town, he knocks out three of the four Cromwells of the regimental headquarters section of the City of London Yeomanry. Still alone, he enters Villers Bocage, pursued by the fourth Cromwell, which intends to hit the Tiger from the rear. Inside the town, Wittmann's forward progress is stopped by tanks of B Squadron (including one Sherman Firefly). He turns around and rushes back along his route of advance. On his way back, he knocks out the Cromwell, whose two armor-piercing rounds fired at a distance of only fifty meters fail to penetrate the Tiger. After several hundred meters, the
tank becomes immobilized from an antitank gun hit damaging the left front drive
sprocket. The crew bails out and leaves the tank. It sneaks through to the command post of the Panzer-Lehr-Division at Orbois-Sermentot, which directs offensive action towards Villers-Bocage with fifteen Panzer IVs. The remaining ta
nks of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 occupy position east ofVillers-Bocage (south of the road) and knock out two more Cromwells (SS-Unterscharfiihrer Sowa) and three Shermans (SS-Oberscharführer Brandt). Approximately 230 British soldiers surrender and are taken prisoner. Eight Tigers of the 1./schwere SS Panzer-Abteilung 101 (SS-Hauptsturmführer Möbius) attack at 0800 hours along the N 175 towards Villers-Bocage. Five Cromwells positioned farther north are damaged and abandoned by the crews. Several Panzer IVs of the Panzer-Lehr-Division positioned at Parfouru-sur-Odon join the attack. Two Tigers and one Panzer IV advance along the main road (Rue Pasteur). The rear tank-Tiger 112 of SS-Oberscharfiihrer Ernst is knocked out by a Firefly of B Squadron, which fires through two corner windows of a building. After changing positions, a Panzer IV is knocked out by an antitank gun. The leading tank-Tiger 121 of SS Obersturmführer Lukasius is hit from the rear by a Firefly. These tanks are then set on fire by the British. Five more Tigers advance forward on roads farther south. One Tiger is knocked out by an antitank gun in the Rue Emile Samson. Two more Tigers are immobilized by antitank-gun fire. Tiger 132 of SS-Unterscharführer Wendt remained at the outskirts of the village. During the night, Tiger 132 is in position on Hill 213. Four Tigers of the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 are positioned south ofVillers-Bocage; the 2./schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101 assembles again in the defile parallel to the N 175. The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 reaches Falaise. The casualties of the battalion on this day amount to three tank commanders and seven other crew members. Three Tigers of the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 are lost, whereas the British lose twenty six tanks, fourteen M-3s, eight Bren Carriers, and eight Lloyd Carriers.
Total tanks: 42.
For his decisive influence on the course of the day's events, SS-Obersturmführer Wittmann is recommended for the Swords to the Knight's Cross.

14 June 1944: In an assault into the area of Villers-Bocage-Cahagne, the 1./schwere SS Panzer-Abteilung 101 is tied down by concentrated enemy artillery fire.
15 June 1944: The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 moves into the assembly area near Evrecy. During the night, the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (four Tigers) is hit by a heavy air strike. Almost all the Tigers are inoperative. The tank of SS-Untersturmfuhrer Gunther and another one burn out completely; another one attempting to evade the air attack tumbles into a defile, killing the crew. The turret of the company commander's tank is blown off. Altogether, there are eighteen dead and eleven wounded soldiers; among the civil population, 138 persons are killed.
Total tanks: 38.
In the morning, the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 launch an attack with four Tigers (including Wendt's tank) right into British forces attempting to escape. Five enemy tanks are destroyed, as is Wendt's tank, whose crew bails out.

Total tanks: 37.
16 June 1944: Four Tigers of the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 start a counterattack near Cahagnes; the leading tank-Tiger III of (SS-Obersturmfuhrer Philipsen) is set on fire by an antitank gun. Mter bailing out, the platoon leader is killed.
Total tanks: 36.

18 June 1944: The battalion is kept in reserve on both sides of the road Caen-Villers Bocage; urgent needed maintenance is performed.
21 June 1944: The battalion commander is promoted to SS-Obersturmbannführer.
22 June 1944: SS-Obersturmfuhrer Wittmann is awarded the Swords to the Knight's Cross and promoted to SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer. (The award is presented on 29 June 1944 at Berchtesgaden) .
23 June 1944: Several tanks of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 under SS Untersturmführer Amselgruber are positioned along the Route Nationale and repulse the British advance. They knock out five enemy tanks.

24 June 1944: Tiger 332 of SS-Unterscharfiihrer Wanecke knocks out seven enemy tanks. Two tanks cannot be repaired.
Total tanks: 34.

26 June 1944: The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 parries the British thrust at the forest near Tessel and near Rauray ( Operation "Epsom"). SS-Untersturmführer Amselgruber with another Tiger of the 3./schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101 knocks out three enemy tanks near Grainville and stops the advance of the British infantry. Near Mouen, a single Tiger knocks out several enemy tanks of the 23rd Hussars. New positions are taken along the line Marcelet-high ground southeast of CheuxRauray-Vendes. Eighteen Tigers operational.

27 June 1944: On a reconnaissance mission, the tank of SS-Unterscharführer Warmbrunn is knocked out by an enemy antitank gun. The eighteen operational tanks of the battalion are scattered along the corps frontline.
Total tanks: 33.

28 June 1944: In the eventually futile attempt to repulse the enemy assault at
Grainville, the tank of SS-Untersturmführer Amselgruber (Tiger 331) is finally knocked out after eliminating two Shermans on this day. The commander, in spite of a severe leg wound, stays with his men. SS-Hauptsturmführer Mobius knocks out six enemy tanks and is then knocked out himself. The remaining Tigers block further enemy advances at Verson and on Hill 112. In Rauray, one Tiger is knocked out.

Total tanks: 30.

29 June 1944: In the afternoon; a counterattack is conducted in the area of Hill 112.
30 June 1944: Hill 112, temporarily lost to the enemy, is recaptured.



1 July 1944: Eleven Tigers operational. From 1-12 July, the remaining operational tanks are employed west of Maltot. The companies have the following tanks: seven in the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101, eight in the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101, and ten in the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101. In addition, the battalion headquarters has three Tigers.

2 July 1944: Immediately after arriving at the location of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101, the new company commander, SS-Obersturmfiihrer Wendorff (Tiger 205), is knocked out near Hill 112. This tank is later recovered.
3 July 1944: The 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 hands over its last three Tigers to the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abte
ilung 101 and moves back to Paderborn to be re-equipped with Tiger IIs.

5 July 1944: No tanks operational.
7 July 1944: None of the thirty Tigers operational. Two Tigers cannot be repaired.
Total tanks: 28.

8 July 1944: Operational tanks: 21.
9 July 1944: Operational tanks: 19.
10 July 1944: Assault northwest from St. Martin towards Baron. Operational tanks: 15 Tigers.
11 July 1944: Operational tanks: 13. Operations near Maltot-Eterville.
12 July 1944: Operational tanks: 13. Operations near Maltot-Eterville.

13 July 1944: The battalion is moved into the area around Grainville. The battalion commander, in a state of complete physical exhaustion, is ordered by SS-Obergruppenführer Dietrich to go on convalescent leave. Wittmann, back from leave, takes over acting command of the battalion.
14 July 1944: Five Tigers under SS-Obersturmfiihrer Wendorff start a counterattack at  Maltot. Three Cromwells are knocked out; one Tiger is damaged.

15 July 1944: Operational tanks: 20.
16 July 1944: Operational tanks: 19.
17 July 1944: SS-Unterscharführer Warmbrunn knocks out three enemy tanks.
18 July 1944: Start of the British "Operation Goodwood" offensive. The Tigers are concentrated around Bourguebus. In a counterattack west of Hubert-Folie and north of la Guinguette, several enemy tanks are knocked out. South of Soliers, a Firefly of the 5th Royal Tank Regiment knocks out a Tiger by firing right through a haystack.
Total tanks: 27.

19 July 1944: Scattered operations by the operational tanks. The commander of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is knocked out by friendly antitank gun and is killed.
Total tanks: 26.
The battalion maintenance officer, SS-Hauptsturmführer Heurich, takes over the command of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101, which is committed near Chichebouille.

20 July 1944: One Tiger of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is knocked out by the City of London Yeomanry. The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is employed near the Ferme Beauvoir.
Total tanks: 25.

21 July 1944: Operational tanks: 6.
22 July 1944: Operational tanks: 7. The former frontline near the Ferme Beauvoir is re-established.
23 July 1944: Operational tanks: 10.
24 July 1944: Fourteen operational Tigers are attached to Kampfgruppe SS-Obersturbannmführer Wünsche south of Imont. The 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is in position near Garcelles-Sequeville with six tanks.

25 July 1944: Operational tanks: 14.
26 July 1944: In the morning, 4 Tigers employed against the 1st Royal Tank Regiment.

27 July 1944: Operational tanks: 14.
28 July 1944: Operational tanks: 20.
29 July 1944: Operational tanks: 21.
30 July 1944: Operational tanks: 20.
31 July 1944: Operational tanks: 19.



1 August 1944: Operational tanks: 20. Three tanks of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101 (SS-Obersturmführer Wendorff) in action near Grimsbosq. The tanks of the battalion headquarters and the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 are employed along the N 158. According to the monthly strength report of the I. SS-Panzer-Korps, the battalion has the following tanks: ten Tigers each in the 2. and 3./schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101 and five tanks in the Headquarter Company.

2 August 1944: Operational tanks: 19.
3 August 1944: Defensive operations between St. Sylvain and Cintheaux. Operational tanks: 20.
4 August 1944: Operational tanks: 20.

7 August 1944: The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is attached to the 12. SSPanzer-Division "HitleIjugend" to support it in defensive operations against the British Operation "Totalize" (employed near Grimsboq). Twenty-one Tigers operational. Grimsboq and Brieux are captured. The remaining ten operational tanks stay as a corps reserve in the area south of Caen.

8 August 1944: An attack of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is stopped by massive shelling. The tank of SS-Obersturmfiihrer Wendt is knocked out, but it is recovered afterwards. The operational Tigers take up positions near Potigny and block the bottleneck Laize-Laison. Kampfgruppe Waldmüller-consisting of the II./SS-Panzer-Regiment 12 with thirtynine Panzer IVs, 1./SS-Panzer: Jager-Abteilung 12 with ten Panzer IVs and ten Tiger sassembles near Retteville-Rabet for a counterattack on the Canadian II Corps. Wittmann (in headquarters Tiger 007) and six other Tigers (SS-Untersturmführer Dollinger, SS-Untersturmführer Ihrion, SS-Hauptscharführer Hoflinger, SS-Hauptscharführer Kisters, SS-Oberscharführer von Westernhagen (the battalion commander's brother) and SS-Hauptsturmführer Heurich) road march north as the spearhead along the N 158. Several Canadian Shermans are knocked out. Right outside of Gaumesnil, the 3rd Platoon ofA Squadron of the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry open fire from the flank. The only Sherman Firefly knocks out five Tigers and sets them on fire, there are but a few survivors.
SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer Wittmann and his crew are killed. About 1,500 meters north of this location, 1 Tiger of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abt
eilung 101 is abandoned. East of St. Aignan, three Tigers stop the advance of the Polish 1st Armoured Division; seven tanks are knocked out. Tiger 214 is knocked out near the Bois du Quesnay.
Total tanks: 18.

9 August 1944: Operational tanks: 8. Assault of the British Columbia Regiment
(Canadian 28th Armoured Regiment) from the area south of Cintheaux in the direction of Bretteville is crushed by Kampfgruppe Wünsche (reinforced by Tigers) near Estrees-la-Campagne in the morning: forty-four Shermans, two Stuarts, and one Crusader are knocked out. Among the dead are the Regimental Commander and 2 Company Commanders.

10 August 1944: Operational tanks: 17. Several Tigers of the 3./schwere SS-PanzerAbteilung 101 repulse the renewed Canadian tank attacks and knock out a further thirtyeight tanks.
11 August 1944: Operational tanks: 11. The tanks are in an assembly area south of Quesnayas the corps reserve. The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is employed north of des Laison near Le Bu-sur-Rouvres.
12 August 1944: Three Tigers of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 knock out seven Canadian tanks before noon. Mter nightfall, a counterattack is started against the enemy lines to relieve pressure on the defensive positions. This results in completely surprising an enemy tank company while refueling; it is completely wiped out.
13 August 1944: During the night, six Tigers of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 move into an orchard southwest of Assy.

14 August 1944: In the morning, SS-Obersturmführer Wendorff is surprised by two Shermans on the march from Assy to Maizieres (to support the 85. Infanterie-Division), He manages to knock out one of them, but the other one fires at the Tiger and sets it on fire. The corn.mander and loader are killed; the radio operator (Zimmermann) shoots himself when he is trapped in the burning tank and cannot get out.
Total tanks: 17.
SS-Oberscharführer Brand takes over the command of the company and destroys nineteen Shermans of the Canadian 6th Armoured Regiment (1st Hussars) attempting to cross the Laizon River near Rouvres.

15 August 1944: SS-Oberscharführer Brand and another Tiger are positioned on Hill 160 east of the road Caen-Falaise. The enemy takes the accompanying infantry by surprise and outflanks the Kampfgruppe. The Tigers knock out twelve enemy tanks and break out. SS-Oberscharführer Brand takes the disabled second one in tow. Six Tigers of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (SS-Hauptsturmführer Heurich) are in position southeast of Hill 180 and knock out several enemy tanks.

16 August 1944: A damaged tank of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 cannot be ferried across the Seine River at Rouen and is set on fire by the crew. (It suffered engine damage on 9 August near Cintheaux.)
Total tanks: 16.
17 August 1944: The remaining Tigers assemble near l'Abbaye. After shooting down a Spitfire, the Flak platoon is destroyed on the road Vimoutiers-Orbec.
18 August 1944: One Tiger with track damage is abandoned in Livarot.
Total tanks: 15.

19 August 1944: Two Tigers support the breakout of the 3. Fallschirm:Jager-Division from the Falaise Pocket. Two more Tigers detached to Kampfgruppe Olboeter knock out eight enemy tanks and clear a path by fire. In an assault of the South Alberta Regiment at St. Albert, one Tiger is knocked out by infantry in close combat. Three Tigers stop the attack of the 1/7th Queens Own.
Total tanks: 14.

20 August 1944: Six Tigers are employed with elements of the 12. SS-Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" south of Lisieux.
23 August 1944: The 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is committed west of Vernon.
24 August 1944: One Tiger is knocked out by an M 10 of the Norfolk Yeomanry eight kilometers north of Montfort-sur-Risle .
Total tanks: 13.

25 August 1944: Approximately ten Tigers of the 2. and 3./schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 101 reach the Seine River; two have to be blown up after final drive or engine damage (among them, the Tiger of SS-Unterscharführer Warnecke). While conducting reconnaissance, the commander of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is taken prisoner by the Americans.
Total tanks: 11.
Several Tigers are ferried over the Seine River at Rouen and Elbeuf and evade towards Songeons, but three of them have to be abandoned there later on.
Total tanks: 8.

27 August 1944: Three Tigers in action with Kampfgruppe (Oberst) Schrader of the 49. Infanterie-Division along the road Tilly-Vernonet. Tiger 221, in the lead, is knocked out from behind a bend in the road at close distance by a six-pounder antitank gun with the new sub-caliber armor-piercing rounds. It catches fire, which results in a total loss. A short time later, the second Tiger follows up, destroys the antitank gun and wipes out D Company of the 1st Worcestershires. The remaining British escape, panic-stricken. Because the German infantry does not follow up, the Tiger withdraws and is later abandoned.
Total tanks: 6.

28 August 1944: Counterattack by two Tigers of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 (SS-Oberscharfiihrer Brandt) at the Vernon Bridgehead; two enemy antitank guns destroyed.

29 August 1944: Both Tigers cover the retrograde movements of German ground
forces and eliminate an enemy infantry battalion. One Tiger (ex-Kampfgruppe Schrader) is knocked out south of Tilly.
Total tanks: 5.

30 August 1944: In the morning and in the evening, both Tigers stop an enemy
advance at Brunehamel, seven kilometers northeast of Rozoy. They knock out 8 tanks; lack of fuel causes both Tigers to be blown up.
Total tanks: 3.
During a march break, one Tiger of the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 is taken by surprise behind St. Quentin by a US Sherman and set on fire.
Total tanks: 2.

One Tiger I (old suspension) is abandoned at Marle.
Total tanks: 1.
One Tiger I is abandoned near the Bois Bourdon (north of Maubeuge).
Total tanks: O.


4 July 1944: The remaining three Tigers are handed over to the 3./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101.
5 July 1944: Road march to Paris, then to Strasburg (Strasbourg).
9 July 1944: Arrival in Paderborn. Training on the Tiger II.

12-19 July 1944: Training given to commanders and drivers on the Tiger II at the
Henschel Works in Kassel.

28 July-l August 1944: Fourteen Tiger II tanks are in the Senne Training Area.

5 August 1944: Entrainment at the Senne Training Area and movement to the Western Front.
18 August 1944: Detrainment thirty kilometers northeast of Paris.
20 August 1944: The 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 arrives northwest of Paris.

23 August 1944: Four Tiger lIs support a counterattack of Luftwaffen-Feld-Regiment 33 and Luftwaffen-Feld-Regiment 36 (33rd and 36th Luftwaffe Field Regiments) starting at 0600 hours near Guitrancourt; two Tigers attack south along the N 190 towards Issou; they then move in the direction of Limay. Porcheville is taken, and one M-4 is knocked out. Some time later, a Tiger is knocked out by the 749th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Two other Tigers attack Melier; one is knocked out by an antitank gun.
Total tanks: 12.

25 August 1944: Air strikes in the area of St. Souplettes; several dead and wounded. Two Tiger II tanks (with the Porsche turret) of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 are integrated with the company.
Total tanks: 14.

26 August 1944: The 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 supports the counterattack of the 18. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division (18th Luftwaffe Field Division) west of Sailly against the Seine Bridgehead of the US 79th Infantry Division near Limay. After passing Vexin and assembling in the De la Montcient Valley, the attack starts at 1630 hours with two battalions of Luftwaffe soldiers (via Montgison). The 1st platoon advances via the Maison Blanche crossing near the Du Mesnil Castle; the 3rd platoon moves along the road Montgison Fontenay St. Pere; and the 2nd Platoon along the road at Meulan. One of the Porsche Tigers has to be abandoned 200 meters in outside of Meulan after being hit continuously. Because of the heavy casualties sustained by the accompanying infantry, the Kampfgruppe has to withdraw. The attack is resumed in the evening. The Tiger of SS-Untersturmführer Stamm is knocked out from the flank by an antitank gun at the D 913 when attempting to cross the road ditch; the commander is killed. One M-4 is knocked out near the Bois Claire. Further to the northeast, the last tank-Tiger 124-is attacked by fighter-bombers on the road Sailly-Fontenay St. Pere and tips over after two bomb near misses.
Total tanks: 11.

28 August 1944: Several Tiger IIs attack from Sailly towards Montgison; total loss of the leading tank after numerous hits. During the withdrawal east of Sailly, the Tiger of SS Hauptscharführer Hibbeler is abandoned after being hit twice.
Total tanks: 9.

29 August 1944: Under the command of SS-Hauptsturmführer Möbius, the 1./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 takes part in the counterattack of a Luftwaffe field division west of Magny-en-Vexin. An antitank-gun belt not identified in time immobilizes several Tiger IIs on the right flank. Two tanks cannot be recovered and have to be blown up. Tiger 104 of SS-Oberscharfiihrer Franz gets in an engagement with some Shermans west of Magny-en Vexin and suffers slight hits to the tracks. After targeting a farm house from a turnip field, the vehicle turns too tightly and the final drive is broken. The crew blows the tank up. While bailing out, the crew is fired at by French Marquisards, and two crewmembers are killed. Sergeant Roberts of A Squadron of the 23rd Hussars fires at the abandoned tank afterwards and reports the "kill." (This tank was evacuated to Great Britain and has been on display ever since at Shrivenham.)
Total tanks: 6.

30 August 1944: Tiger II 111 is knocked out by some British Shermans on the D 981 leading to Gissors.
Total tanks: 5.
31 August 1944:
Operations near Lamecourt.



2 September 1944: Tiger 113 runs out of fuel and is abandoned in Jemappes in the evening along the Avenue Foch.
Total tanks: 4.

3 September 1944: Two Tiger IIs knock out several US tanks, forcing the rest to withdraw, near Brunehamel (seven kilometers northeast of Rozoy).
4 September 1944: SS-Hauptsturmführer Mobius gets as far as Huy (on the Neuse River) with 2 Tiger II's.
Total tanks: 2.

5 September 1944: Tiger 121 of SS-Oberscharführer Zahner is abandoned on the roadway near la Capelle due to a lack of fuel. The crew demolishes the gun, ignites the demolition charges in the engine compartment and abandons the vehicle. US troops push the obstacle from he road, and the tank topples over. (Today, it is on display in the armor museum at Munster.)
Total tanks: 1.

Only one Tiger II survives the Normandy Campaign. It was later entrained in Siegburg and transferred to the SS-Panzer-Ersatz-Abteilung at Augustdorf.


In the fighting in Normandy, the battalion suffered more than 300 killed and missing soldiers.
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